Eve Merch

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Eve Center Shirt $20.00 + $5 Shipping

Eve Center T-Shirt is a wonderfully soft woman's cut and available in small-XXL

God's Masterpiece Shirt $20.00 + $5 Shipping

God's Masterpiece Shirt reminds us that we are highly valued by our Father. Available in S-XXL

Hatch Workbook

H.A.T.C.H. Workbook $25.00 + $5 Shipping

Our HATCH workbook is for anyone who has struggled through the impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse. This is a hands on workbook that will walk you through the process of healing. $25

Volunteer Peer Counselor Book $150.00 + $10 Shipping

The Eve Center training book is a 12-week training program that equips people to be certified peer counselors. Includes 12-chapters and Tools for peer counseling

G.O.L.D. Book $20.00

GOLD recovery workbook was created to help grieving people go from stuck to unstuck. It is a 10 chapter book that walks the reader through healing and recovery from the death of a loved one.

Scripture Memory Journal $20 + $5 Shipping

A day to day guide, workbook, to help you treasure God's WORD in your heart and mind.

20th Anniversary Tumbler $10 + $5 Shipping

We are celebrating 20 years of service with our 20th Anniversary Tumbler. Help us spread the word by carrying your drink in our Tumbler.