Our Next 2024 Groups will begin September 17th:
For specific time and location contact hatch@evecenter.org
CALL THE OFFICE AT 513-985-9959
Help is available through Eve Center’s HATCH program. HATCH stands for – Healing Abuse Through Christ’s Help, a program dedicated to creating a safe, faith-based haven for women to find freedom from the guilt, shame, anger and depression that often manifests in the lives of victims.
PURPOSE– promote relational, spiritual and emotional healing for women recovering from childhood sexual abuse, regardless of the extent of the abuse.
HOW– In a Christian, safe, non-judgmental & CONFIDENTIAL environment, women work through a biblical study written specifically for sexual abuse healing.
Through this guided study, group support and weekly workbook assignments, women can expect to:
WHEN – Eve Center Recovery groups are 10 week groups and begin 2X a year.
Contact our groups manager for Day and Time: groups@evecenter.org
CONTACT – email: hatch@evecenter.org (only the HATCH Coordinator receives this) or call the Eve Center and leave a message for HATCH: 513-985-9959. You may wish to meet with a woman who is a HATCH volunteer to learn more before deciding if this recovery group is right for you. If so, make an appointment when you telephone the Eve Center office. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED to participate in a HATCH group. All studies are at no cost however a donation of $25.00 for materials is requested.
HATCH groups are completely confidential. They are led by trained female volunteers who have “been where you are.” To ensure confidentiality our HATCH dates are not publically posted. To find out when our next group begins and to sign up for a group, please email HATCH@evecenter.org
There are many traumatic experiences that qualify as sexual abuse. If you are confused as to whether this did in fact happen to you – please email HATCH@evecenter.org and we will be happy to discuss in complete confidentiality and respect for you.
Contact is confidential.
“He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1
Symptoms and Aftereffects of Childhood Sexual Abuse:
Here is a list that we review in the HATCH recovery group.
We are not afraid to face the ways we were harmed and
to move intentionally toward healing.
Low self esteem
Feeling sad
Feeling “down in the dumps”
Sleeping too much
Not sleeping enough
Lack of energy
Loss of appetite/weight
Gain of appetite/weight
Feeling restless
Loss of interest in things I used to enjoy
Feeling weight of world on shoulders
Loss of interest and/or pleasure in sex
Difficulty making decisions
Difficulty concentrating
No hope in future
Feeling alone
Feeling unwanted
Thoughts of being dead
Suicidal thoughts or attempts
“Not there” during sex
Focusing on other things during sex
Fantasy about other partners.
Flashbacks of abuse during sexual involvement
Violent or abusive thoughts during sex
Not interested in sex
Enjoy sex enough, but could do without it
Sex disgusts me
No orgasms
Having an orgasm takes too much effort
My vagina doesn’t lubricate
Sex is painful
Making excuses for not having sex
Addictive thoughts and/or behaviors
Feel depressed or irritable when I don’t exercise
Panic when overeating
Fasting, vomiting, or exercising after overeating
Binging and purging
Hiding food
Eating large portions rapidly
Taking laxatives or diuretics
Food replaces relationships
Stomach pain
Sore muscles
Rapid heartbeat
Chest pain
Undercutting and devaluing life
Feelings of guilt
Feeling of unworthiness when someone is kind
Feeling everyone must adore me
Persistent thoughts of death
Cutting, burning, etc. to my body
Replace emotional pain for physical pain
Feelings of meaningless
Feelings of badness and guilt
Fear of intimacy
Feeling of unreality
Panic attacks
Excessive caretaking
“I am bad.”
“I am unlovable”
“Something about me scares everyone else away.”
“My sins are worse than other people’s sins.”
“I don’t deserve love.”
“My neediness will overwhelm anyone.”
“My need for love is not valid”
“My feelings will overwhelm anyone”
“No one is trustworthy.”
“People will always leave me.”
“People will control me.”
“People are mean and critical.”
“People will disapprove of me.”
“People are faking their care.”
“God doesn’t really love me.”
“God doesn’t care how I feel.”
“God just wants ‘good’ Christians.”
“God is angry with me.”
“God doesn’t hear me.”
“God doesn’t answer prayer.”
“God will control me.”
“God will take away my freedom.”
“God won’t forgive me for…”
If pregnant, fear of delivery³
If have child, fear for her/him
Fear of seeing doctor
Can’t keep a man
Can’t keep a job
Friends aren’t ‘all that’
I could abuse.
I hate all men.
I have no sexual identity – safe being neither
I have same sex attractions
My parents didn’t protect me
Others should have known
“other” – you know – THAT
“He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1
HATCH participant
“Thank for your leading in HATCH. God has used this group to set me free. I know I still have MUCH more work to do, but I’m confident I have found a place that will walk with me through the journey.”